STACKFORCE mioty Protocol Stack for end points
The STACKFORCE mioty® Protocol Stack is an embedded software implementation of the innovative telegram splitting Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) technology mioty®, standardized by ETST TS 103 357, as specified for end points. It enables to add all benefits of the mioty® technology to your product, like bidirectional communication, up to 15 km transmission range, transmission of up to 1,5 mil telegrams per day, low power consumption and operation at full performance at up to 120 km/h. The stack itself will be delivered with the flexible STACKFORCE Multi-Stack API, which enables the additional easy integration of other protocol stacks, like other common LPWAN technologies LoRaWAN® or Sigfox and the standard radio technology for metering, wireless M-Bus. It also supports hardware acceleration if applicable (hardware dependent), like AES de-/encryption. The stack can be obtained as an embedded software library for integration into your C/C++ program, but is also includes a serial interface that provides all API functions via a well-proven serial interface (including encryption for sensitive applications) with minimal overhead, for creating your own firmware image for modem-like use. The stack can easily be commissioned and configured and comes with support (depending on license package), maintenance and warranty by STACKFORCE. Of course, the stack can be customized to your very detailed needs upon request.