Be part of this movement

Want to join the alliance?

The mioty alliance has a simple goal
To enable the most accessible, robust and efficient Massive IoT connectivity solution on the market.

mioty alliance

Behind mioty is the mioty alliance. We are a community of people, businesses, and institutes that share a vision.

We set out to create and share the most accessible, robust and efficient IoT connectivity solution on the market.

Our community offers an ideal platform for developers, hardware manufacturers, system integrators, service companies and end customers by providing an open, standardized and interoperable ecosystem across the entire IoT value chain.

The mioty Eco System

Together with our members we built an end-to-end solution across the entire IoT value chain – from End-Points and Base Stations to IoT Platforms.

Full Members

Associated Members

Our principles


In the race to market, we don’t cut corners. We use the collective brain power and experience of the alliance to envision and deliver the best solution on the market.

Open minded

We constantly strive to learn from and improve what has been done — building and enabling what couldn’t have been imagined in the past.

Human centered

We are inspired by a better future for all and are working toward advancements that benefit humanity.


In a world that is becoming increasingly complex, we believe in creating tools that make sophisticated technology easily accessible.

Want to join the alliance?


Full Member

Expand your network of industry experts and become a thought leader in the IoT market with a full membership.

  • Get access to the newest node demo software stack

  • Vote in the executive board (if elected)

  • Participate and vote in committees

  • Initiate task forces

  • Participate in early adopter programs

  • Get direct phone support by mioty engineersn

  • Participate in lead generation programs

  • Attend technical trainings & webinars

  • Highlight your company on the alliance homepage

  • Get access to our leading edge-technologies

  • Promote your products via diverse marketing channels

  • …and receive all benefits of associate members

30,000 €

per year

20,000 €

per year for SMEs


Associated Member

This level addresses hardware manufacturers and service providers, who want to develop, certify, and promote their solutions via our broad range of marketing channels.

  • Get access to the newest node demo software stack

  • Get access to the mioty node hardware reference design

  • Request participation in task forces

  • Access to technical specifications & documentation

  • Use of mioty alliance brand & trademark

  • Product listing on mioty alliance website

  • Access to „members-only“ area

3,000 €

per year


Associated Member

For academic and non-profit organisations, who want to shape the future of Massive IoT

  • Get access to newest node demo software stack

  • Access to technical specifications & documentation

  • Attend mioty alliance member meetings

  • Access to „members-only“ area

1,000 €

per year

Member Benefits Comparison




Get connected with mioty

Access to mioty node demo software stack

Access to mioty node eval software stacks

Access to mioty node hardware reference design

Vote & Lead

Vote in the executive board (if elected)

Participate & vote in committees

Request participation in task forces

Develop, Test & Certify

Initiate task forces

Participate in early adopter programs

Certify products using the mioty certification program

Access to technical specifications & documentation

Direct phone support by mioty engineers

Colaborate & Promote

Participate in lead generation programs

Participate in technical trainings & webinars

Use of mioty alliance brand & trademark

Certified product listing on mioty alliance website

Attend mioty alliance member meetings

Access to “members-only” area

Promote your mioty news

Highlight your company on the alliance homepage

Get Connected with mioty

  • Leader

  • Adopter

  • Institutional

Access to mioty node demo software stack

Access to mioty node eval software stacks

Access to mioty node hardware reference design

Vote & Lead

  • Leader

  • Adopter

  • Institutional

Vote in the executive board (if elected)

Participate & vote in committees

Request participation in task forces

Develop, Test & Certify

  • Leader

  • Adopter

  • Institutional

Initiate task forces

Participate in early adopter programs

Certify products using the mioty certification program

Access to technical specifications & documentation

Direct phone support by mioty engineers

Colaborate & Promote

  • Leader

  • Adopter

  • Institutional

Participate in lead generation programs

Participate in technical trainings & webinars

Use of mioty alliance brand & trademark

Certified product listing on mioty alliance website

Attend mioty alliance member meetings

Access to “members-only” area

Promote your mioty news

Highlight your company on the alliance homepage