Member Benefits Comparison
Get Connected with mioty
Access to mioty node demo software stack
Access to mioty node eval software stacks
Access to mioty node hardware reference design
Vote & Lead
Vote in the executive board (if elected)
Participate & vote in committees
Request participation in task forces
Develop, Test & Certify
Initiate task forces
Participate in early adopter programs
Certify products using the mioty certification program
Access to technical specifications & documentation
Direct phone support by mioty engineers
Colaborate & Promote
Participate in lead generation programs
Participate in technical trainings & webinars
Use of mioty alliance brand & trademark
Certified product listing on mioty alliance website
Attend mioty alliance member meetings
Access to “members-only” area
Promote your mioty news
Highlight your company on the alliance homepage
Get connected with mioty
Access to mioty node demo software stack
Access to mioty node eval software stacks
Access to mioty node hardware reference design
Vote & Lead
Vote in the executive board (if elected)
Participate & vote in committees
Request participation in task forces
Develop, Test & Certify
Initiate task forces
Participate in early adopter programs
Certify products using the mioty certification program
Access to technical specifications & documentation
Direct phone support by mioty engineers
Colaborate & Promote
Participate in lead generation programs
Participate in technical trainings & webinars
Use of mioty alliance brand & trademark
Certified product listing on mioty alliance website
Attend mioty alliance member meetings
Access to “members-only” area
Promote your mioty news
Highlight your company on the alliance homepage