Legal Notice

MIOTY Alliance e.V.


Frauenweiherstraße 15

91058 Erlangen



Registered association listed at Amtsgericht Nürnberg: VR 202493

Board members:

Lena Yoshihara-Lisch (Diehl Metering GmbH)

Josef Bernhard (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft)

Alexander Kahlig (ifm electronic GmbH)

Simon Schrampfer (Sentinum GmbH)

David Rahusen (STACKFORCE GmbH)

Pascal Jaggi (Swissphone Wireless AG)

Svein Vetti (Texas Instruments Inc.)

Philipp Miesen (WIKA Alexander Wiegand SE & Co. KG)

Wolfgang Esch (WEPTECH elektronik GmbH)


MIOTY Alliance e.V. grants you the right to visit and use this website on the basis of the following conditions:


Copyright MIOTY Alliance e.V., Erlangen, all rights reserved.

All text, images, graphics, sound, video and animation files and their arrangement on the website are subject to copyright and other laws protecting intellectual property. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, changed or used on other websites either in whole or in part for commercial purposes.

Non-binding information

All information provided, in particular product data, is non-binding and can be changed by MIOTY Alliance e.V. at any time.


MIOTY Alliance e.V. endeavors to correctly and correctly compile the information and data contained on this website. However, no liability can be accepted for the topicality, correctness and completeness; liability for damage or consequences arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded, unless they are based on intent or gross negligence.


The website may contain links to other websites that are not maintained by MIOTY Alliance e.V. (external links). Such links are only set up as a user service. The content of linked pages was checked when our offer was created. However, since the content of a page is dynamic and can change at any time, a continuous review of the content is neither intended nor possible. In this respect, we expressly do not adopt the content of third-party websites to which we have set a link and expressly distance ourselves from all content that may be relevant under criminal law or liability law or that violates common decency.

The MIOTY Alliance e.V. has no influence on the content of such websites and therefore excludes any liability and guarantee for their content and the links. A legal relationship with MIOTY Alliance e.V. cannot be concluded from such links.

Company Statute

All legal questions in connection with this website are subject exclusively to German law and mandatory European regulations. To the extent permitted by law, the place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Erlangen.

Your MIOTY Alliance e.V.