RADIOCRAFTS Development Kit RC1882-MIOTY1-DK
The RC1882-MIOTY1-DK Development Kit includes all hardware needed to run a small mioty network from a PC. This allows the customer to quickly and easily test the network capabilities with minimum development resources needed. This is ideal for a first range test in a customer environment. The Bootloader Utility is available for the RC1882CEF-MIOTY1 and is intended to be used with the RC1882-MIOTY1-DK Development Kit, providing a complete prototyping solution where network characteristics can be tested. The Bootloader Utility is used to set the network encryption key and to make firmware upgrades in case debugging is necessary or if Radiocrafts adds new features to the module. You will also need a mioty gateway to set up a complete system. Such a gateway can be purchased from a 3rd party.