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LZE mioty® M3B magnolinq MAKERBOARD

The mioty® M3B Magnolinq Makerboard offers a complete prototyping and development platform and facilitates the entry into the two new IoT technologies mioty® and magnolinq. With the Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology mioty it is possible to transmit data over several kilometers in a particularly power-saving way.

Magnolinq is a new wireless magnetic short-range communication technology that configures LPWAN sensors extremely quickly and easily.

Application development is straightforward through the use of the widely available Arduino IDE. The sensor hardware available on the board also enables a wide variety of applications to be implemented without the need for additional peripherals. Platform can be used flexibly due to numerous accessible GPIOs.


  • STM32DUINO compatible microcontroller STM32L072RBT

  • mioty® modem Swissphone Wireless AG M.YON

  • magnolinq® Interface

  • temperature, humidity SHT31A

  • barometer MS5637

  • 3-axis acceleration ADXL363

  • ambient brightness Si1141-A11-G

  • 2x 2.54mm Pitch Pinheader compatible to Adafruit® Feather®

Technical Key Features

  • minimum and maximum limits: -0.3 - 6.0 V

  • supply voltage: 2.3 - 5.5 V

  • 0° to 55° Celcius (modem limit)

  • storage temperature -40° to 85° Celcius

  • temperature: -40°C - 90°C, ±0.3°C

  • humidity: 0%RH - 100%RH, ±2%RH

  • acceleration: measuring range adjustable ±2/4/8 g with resolution ±1/2/4 mg/LSB

This mioty product is available

How can you acquire this mioty product?

Please contact the appropriate contact person or visit the provider's website.



E-Mail: contact@lze-innovation.de