Fraunhofer IIS: mioty goes satellite
July 23, 2021

Fraunhofer IIS recently tested the use of mioty for massive IoT applications via a GEO satellite. In the test setup, the transmitters with integrated mioty sensor nodes sent data packets directly to the satellite. Transmission in the S band at about 2 GHz was realized via the EchoStarXXI communications satellite. The transmitters used mioty’s Telegram Splitting Ultra Narrow Band (TS-UNB) wireless protocol without any special adaptations for satellite communication. This means that the researchers employed the same transmission protocol that conventional mioty systems on the ground are based on.
Despite the enormous distance to the satellite of about 38,000 kilometers, the user terminals could be operated at transmit power similar to that of terrestrial networks. This allows individual satellite IoT transmitters to be enormously energy efficient in practice, and they can transmit data on their own for years.
To read the complete press release, please click here