Lansen is a Swedish innovation-driven developer and manufacturer of wireless solutions for measuring, monitoring and control of buildings since 2004. Lansen have its major skills and excellence in battery driven hardware and software design.

LANSEN water leakage transmitter w. cable

G2-LDP can be used to detect water leakages in any area where a leakage may occur, such as under a dishwasher or in a basement. The device comes with a 100cm pre-mounted cable & has a typical lifespan of 14 years. A soldered battery is also included.

Key Facts

  • 14 years typical battery lifetime with standard configuration and recommended operating temperature
  • Standard configuration: Check for leakage every 30 sec., transmit every 60 min or when leakage is detected/restored.
  • Recommended operating temperature: +5°C to +50°C
  • Every message contains information such as leakage status and duration of current alarm.
  • Device is started by just dipping the leakage cable into water for 5 seconds.
  • Dimensions: 32 x 88.5 x 25.5 mm


  • Sensor
  • ER14505 3.6V Li-SOCl2 battery. Soldered non-replaceable battery
  • 100cm pre-mounted cable

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Lansen Systems AB

Phone: +46 739 69 50 38
