mioty Go

June 12, 2024

Acting as a Basic Station, miotyGO allows developers to test mioty technology without making a significant investment in hardware.

This product is primarily intended for educational purposes and has been designed to facilitate software development. It can run on a Linux device, such as a computer or a Raspberry Pi or Beagle Boards (ARM/LINUX) providing mioty Base Station (BS) functionalities:

  • works with generic, widely available, cheap radio frontends (SDR receivers).

  • supports Class Z (unidirectional) End Points (EPs).

  • connects to all mioty service centers implementing the BSSCI interface specification.

  • supports all unidirectional EPs’ Development Kits.

  • supports all currently specified radio profiles for the European EU0, EU1, EU2 868MHz and US0 915MHz license free bands as well as for future new frequency bands.


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